Club Info and FAQs

General Information

We use Friendly Manager to administer our player registrations, fees, team management, and general communications.

Registration requires the players' age to be entered, and this will determine, in the first instance, which grade the player will be assigned to.  The age applied is the ageon 1 January.

It is possible, for players to change their grade, but this must be done in agreement with the Club Committee.  This is required for Health and Safety considerations.

Once the player is registered in Friendly Manager, they will be able to log in at any time and see information about their team and the Club.

The Club operates a structure whereby Team Coaches liaise with a Co-Ordinator to oversee the management of their section.  If you have any concerns about your team, you should speak to your Coach/Manager first, but if that does not resolve your issue, then you should speak to your Co-Ordinator.

If you have any questions, please fill out the Contact Form.

Pitch Cancellation Policy

Due to weather or pitch conditions it will sometimes be necessary for our grounds to be closed for trainings or matches. Please note that the following procedures will be in place on a weekly basis:

Weekday Training Sessions - if grounds will be closed a decision will be made and communicated across the club by 12pm on the day. An email will be sent out to all grades impacted and this will also be posted on the club Facebook page.

Saturday WOF Games - if grounds will be closed a decision will be made and communicated across the club by 7am on the day. An email will be sent out to all grades impacted and this will also be posted on the club Facebook page.

Saturday Junior & Youth Games - as these matches take place at various locations across Northland, any pitch closures are determined by Northern Region Football (NRF). As and when we receive any pitch closure notices from NRF we will communicate these via email and the club Facebook page asap.

We ask that members do not contact the club prior to the times indicated above as during this time we will be working behind the scenes to determine if training or matches can continue to take place. Also, please do not contact us asking if training or matches are still on. If you do not receive any communication or notifications from us then proceed as normal.

World of Football (WOF)

Coordinator - Reuben Corbett - 021 029 94752 -

4th - 8th Grade Teams


10th Grade Coordinator - Kate Mounter - 021 585 526

12th Grade Coordinator - Bes Iironi-Irvine - 021 402 106

10th & 12th Grade Teams


Coordinator - Kate Simmonds - 022 354 3154 -

13th - 17th Grade Teams


Coordinator - Richard Gorrett - 022 455 9102 -

Womens Division 1 Team

Mens Division 1 Team

Mens Division 2 Team

Mens Divsion 4 Team

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